The camel has been domesticated for over 4000 years. It was it who enabled man to survive in desert conditions (meat, milk, wool, and excrement for fire).
In 1944, Joseph Free published an article in which it noted evidence of use of camels in sites of the earliest Egyptian dynasties: ceramic statuettes of camels (approx. 3000 BC.), Rope-hair dromedary (about 2500 BC. JC), petroglyph showing two men mounted on a dromedary (approx. 2300 BC.).
Statuette of a camel clay found in Memphis (Egypt).
(image :
Copyright: Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London)
A camel on the Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III (British Museum)
(approx. 840 BC.).
(image :
It is capable of living without water and without food for eight days under a heat of about 50 ° C. Its life will not risk any danger, even though it would lose 40% of the water in its body.
Its hump is not a water supply, but actually contains an adipose tissue musculoskeletal representing an energy reserve in case of extended power, and plays an important role in thermoregulation. Indeed, while the fat of most mammals is hidden under the skin almost uniformly, for the camel it is concentrated in the hump. This configuration facilitates the evaporation of physiological heat and makes the animal more resistant to high temperatures.
The camel is an important source of food in the desert. The fat end of the hump of the animal is used as butter and its milk (higher fat and protein than cow's milk) is used to make cheese or yogurt. According to some studies, camel milk would also be an effective treatment against hepatitis, even at an advanced stage. In therapeuthic usage, the combination of milk and camel urine is used to treat diseases, including those of the skin such as vitiligo, eczema, ringworm and psoriasis ...
Its Arabic name "al-jamal: الجمل" just an etymological root meaning "beauty", inspired a parallel reading between these two irresistible sense. The characteristics of this symbol reveal a stunning adaptation to desert environments. The beauty of the camelid inevitably reflects itself through the close relationship that links the animal to its environment.
For its achievements, Chedovre offers camel leather hides with a quality unique in the world, and can thus respond to your most exclusive and authentic desire.
To some, leather is not optional. This is a "must have" associated with the image of excellence and to the world of luxury.